
Accommodation is avaliable in ORBIS Hotels and in University Dormitories.

Booking form is available in MS-Word 97, PostScript (1Mb), or in PDF file format. Please print the booking form, sign it and return with payment to ORBIS Travel - ECM20.

University dormitories

There are still nice and cheap rooms in University Dormitories available!

University Dormitories (breakfast not included) are within walking distance to the conference centre. All rooms have a telephone and an access to internet.


All hotels are also within walking distance to the Old Town and the Conference Centre. Price of the hotel accommodation includes breakfast. Required hotel deposit should be paid before May 31, 2001. No reservation will be made without an earlier deposit. Cancelation of the hotel reservation must be sent in writing to the ORBIS Travel Office. Please note that the final date of cancelation of the hotel reservation is June 18, 2001. After this date ORBIS Travel Office will not be able to return the deposit.

Avaliable hotels
Class ACopernicus14 Florianska St.
situated in the Old Town
Grand5/7 Slawkowska St.
situated in the Old Town
Class BPod Róża14 Florianska St
situated in the Old Town
Cracovia1 Focha Av.
situated within walking distance from the Old Town
and the Conference Center
Logos5 Szujskiego St..
situated within walking distance from the Old Town
and the Conference Center
Class CPolski17 Pijarska St.
situated in the Old Town
Fortuna5 Czapskich St.
situated within walking distance from the Old Town
and the Conference Center
Fortuna Bis25 Pilsudskiego St.
situated within walking distance from the Old Town
and the Conference Center

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