Scientific Programme of ECM 20

The scientific programme of ECM 20 will consist of 15 Plenary Lectures, 61 Microsymposia and two Poster Sessions. In general, a conference day will start with three parallel one-hour Plenary Lectures followed by six or seven parallel Microsymposia. In the afternoons also six or seven parallel Microsymposia will take place. Poster presentations will be held in two sessions lasting two days each (Sunday and Monday, Tuesday and Thursday).

Plenary lecturers, as well as the chairs and co-chairs of micosymposia were suggested by the Advisory Board, SIGs and the Programme Committee. Till now not all invitations have been confirmed.

  • Plenary Lectures
  • Microsymposia (provisional)
  • SIG_1 Macromolecular Crystallography
  • Biomolecular Structure
  • Macromolecular Methods in the Post-genomics Era
    SIG_2 Charge, Spin and Momentum Density
    SIG_3 Aperiodic Crystals
    SIG_4 Electron Crystallography
    SIG_5 Mineralogical Crystallography
  • SIG_6 Instrumentation and Experimental Techniques
    SIG_7 Molecular Interaction and Recognition
    SIG_8 Powder Diffraction
    SIG_9 Crystallographic Computing
    SIG_10 X-ray Diffraction Physics and Optics
    SIG [in preparation] Extreme Conditions
    Other Microsymposia

    Home Page

    Plenary Lectures

      Sunday, August 26

    1.   Joel Bernstein (Israel)
         Polymorphs - How Different and how Similar?

    2.   Zbigniew Dauter (Poland/USA)
         Weak Anomalous Signal Used for Phasing Macromolecules

    3.   Hendrik Schenk (Netherlands)
         Challenges for Crystallography and its Community

      Monday, August 27

    4.   Gervais Chapuis (Switzerland)
         Crystallography of Modulated Structures in Superspace

    5.   Jan Drenth (Netherlands)
         The Physical Chemistry of Protein Crystallisation

    6.   Carmelo Giacovazzo (Italy)
         Direct Phasing in Crystallography: from Powder Data to Proteins

      Tuesday, August 28

    7.   Hermann Gies (Germany)
         Silica Inclusion Compounds: Model Systems for Crystallographic Analyses

    8.   David Sayre (USA)
         Oversampling and the Possibillities of Advancing the Crystallographic Methodology to the Case of the Single Particle

    9.   David Stuart (UK)
         on macromolecules

      Thursday, August 30

    10.   Chris Gilmore (UK)
         Maximum Entropy and Structure Solution from Difficult Data

    11.   Gerhard Materlik (Germany)
         New Sources of X-rays: Status and Scientific Perspectives

    12.   Uri Shmueli (Israel)
         Statistics in Crystallography, its Role and Meaning

      Friday, August 31

    13.   Denis Gratias (France)
         Structural Aspects of Quasicrystals: Atomic Clusters and Chemical Order

    14.   Jacek Klinowski (Poland/UK)
         Complete Enumeration of Crystalline Structures

    15.   Claude Lecomte (France)
         New Application of Charge Density Research

    Home Page

    Microsymposia (provisional)

    Macromolecular Crystallography

    K. Wilson

    Biomolecular Structure

    1. Enzyme Mechanism and Intermediates
      Chair: W.R. Rypniewski
      Co-chair: K. Lewinski (Poland)

    2. Membranes, Signalling and Transport
      Chair: B. Dijkstra (Netherlands)
      Co-chair: (tba)

    3. Macromolecular Assemblies and Machines
      Chair: M. Knossow (France)
      Co-chair: P. Evans (UK)

    4. Protein Biosynthesis
      Chair: S. Cusack (France)
      Co-chair: M. Kjeldgaard (Denmark)

    5. Nucleic Acids and their Constituents
      Chair: U. Heinemann (Germany)
      Co-chair: L. van Meervelt (Belgium)

    6. Molecular Basis of Disease and Rational Design of Drugs
      Chair: R. Hilgenfeld (Germany)
      Co-chair: J. Hasek (Czech Republic)

    7. Functional Genomics and Protein Folds
      Chair: G. Dodson (UK)
      Co-chair: R. Russell (UK/Germany)

    8. Those Challenging Structures and How to Solve Them
      Chair: E. Dodson (UK)
      Co-chair: M. Archer (Portugal)

    9. Hot and Topical Structures
      Chair: D. Stuart (UK)
      Co-chair: D. Lamba (Italy)

    Macromolecular Methods in the Post-genomics Era

    1. Protein Expression, Purification, and Solubility
      Chair: A. Wilkinson (UK)
      Co-chair: J. Sedlacek (Czech Republic)

    2. Crystallogenesis
      Chair: R. Giege (France)
      Co-chair: N. Chayen (UK)

    3. Synchrotron Beam Lines, Detectors and Data
      Chair: R. Fourme (France)
      Co-chair: Y. Cerenius (Sweden)

    4. On-line Structure Determination through ab initio and MAD Phasing
      Chair: G. Sheldrick (Germany)
      Co-chair: S. McSweeney (France)

    5. Molecular Replacement: the Phase Problem - a Good Model Problem
      Chair: J. Navaza (France)
      Co-chair: D. Housset (France)

    6. Building, Visualisation, and Modelling
      Chair: V. Lamzin (Germany)
      Co-chair: D.Turk (Slovenia)

    7. Refinement
      Chair: R. Read (UK)
      Co-chair: A. Perrakis (The Netherlands)

    8. Low Resolution, Cryo-EM
      Chair: E. Orlova (UK)
      Co-chair: A. Urzhumtsev (France)

    9. Atomic Resolution, Quality, Validation
      Chair: K. Wilson (UK)
      Co-chair: T. Schneider (Germany)

    Home Page

    Charge, Spin and Momentum Density

    P. Becker

    1. Wavefunctions and Properties from Experiment
      Chair: P. Mallinson (UK)
      Co-chair: C. Gatti (Italy)

    2. Experimental Charge Densities
      Chair: P. Becker (France)
      Co-chair: W. Maniukiewicz (Poland)

    3. Photo-crystallography
      Chair: T. Luty (Poland)
      Co-chair: H. Cailleau (France)

    Home Page

    Aperiodic Crystals

    T. Janssen

    1. Incommensurately Modulated Structures
      Chair: W. Steurer (Switzerland)
      Co-chair: V. Petricek (Czech Republic)

    2. Quasicrystals
      Chair: J. Wolny (Poland)
      Co-chair: T. Janssen (Netherlands)

    Home Page

    Electron Crystallography

    C.J. Gilmore

    1. Electron Crystallography of Materials and Minerals
      (jointly with SIG_5)
      Chair: B. Grobety (Switzerland)
      Co-chair: M. Wolcyrz (Poland)

    2. New Frontiers on Electron Crystallography
      Chair: C.J. Gilmore (UK)
      Co-chair: U. Kolb (Germany)

    Home Page

    Mineralogical Crystallography

    G. Ferraris

    1. Polymorphism and Solid State Chemistry (jointly with SIG_7)
      Chair: J. Bernstein (Israel)
      Co-chair: M. Nespolo (Italy/Japan)

    2. Mineralogical Crystallography
      Chair: D. Pushcharovsky (Russia)
      Co-chair: T. Armbruster (Switzerland)

    3. Mineralogical Crystallography on "Deep Earth"
      (jointly with SIG i preparation)
      Chair: M. Kunz (Switzerland)
      Co-chair: A. Pavese (Italy)

    Home Page

    Instrumentation and Experimental Techniques

    J.R. Helliwell

    1. Neutron Source Development, Instrumentation
      Chair: J.R. Helliwell (UK)
      Co-chair: K.N. Clausen (Germany)

    2. Neutron Optics and Detectors
      Chair: C.J. Carlile (UK)
      Co-chair: J. Leciejewicz (Poland)

    3. New Sources of Light
      Chair: E. Weckert (Germany)
      Co-chair: C. Nave (UK)

    4. Automation and Remote Control of Crystallographic Experiment
      Chair: Ċ. Kvick (France)
      Co-chair: R. M. Sweet (USA)

    5. Resonant Scattering
      Chair: J.L. Hodeau (France)
      Co-chair: H. Stuhrmann (France/Germany)

    6. Physical Methods of Phase and Absolute Structure Determination
      Chair: J. Grochowski (Poland)
      Co-chair: H. Flack (Switzerland)

    7. Crystallography of Naturally Originated Compounds
      Chair: J. Boeyens (South Africa)
      Co-chair: G. Kamau (Kenya)

    8. Crystallization and Quality Control of Crystals for Diffraction
      Chair: V. Stojanoff (Brazil/Bulgaria)
      Co-chair: (tba)

    Home Page

    Molecular Interaction and Recognition

    G. Gilli

    1. Intermolecular Interactions
      Chair: R. Boese (Germany)
      Co-chair: P. Gilli (Italy)

    2. Supramolecular Materials
      Chair: I. Goldberg (Israel)
      Co-chair: M. Gdaniec (Poland)

    3. Modelling of Complex Molcular Systems
      (jointly with SIG_9)
      Chair: L.R. Nassimbeni (RPA)
      Co-chair: Z. Lipkowska (Poland)

    4. Motion and Change in Crystals
      Chair: H-B. Bürgi (Switzerland)
      Co-chair: T. Bartczak (Poland)

    Home Page

    Powder Diffraction

    E.J. Mittemeijer

    1. Structure Determination from Powder Diffraction Data
      Chair: R. Cerny (Switzerland)
      Co-chair: B. Palosz (Poland)

    2. Texture Analysis of Materials
      Chair: J. Pospiech (Poland)
      Co-chair: O. Engler (Germany)

    Home Page

    Crystallographic Computing

    A.L. Spek

    1. Advanced Computational Tools for Small Molecules and Materials
      Chair: A.L. Spek (Netherlands)
      Co-chair: G. Cascarano (Italy)

    2. New Algorithms for Hard or New Structural Problems
      (jointly with SIG_1)
      Chair: G. Sheldrick (Germany)
      Co-chair: D. Viterbo (Italy)

    3. DataBases
      Chair: F. Allen (UK)
      Co-Chair: K. Wozniak (Poland)

    4. Computing and Teaching
      Chair: L. Aslanov (Russia)
      Co-chair: Y. Epelboin (France)

    Home Page

    X-ray Diffraction Physics and Optics

    M.V. Kovalchuk

    1. Diffraction Physics
      Chair: M.V. Kovalchuk (Russia)
      Co-chair: B. Capelle (France)

    Home Page

    SIG [in preparation]
    Extreme Conditions

    A. Polian

    1. High Pressure Phase Transitions
      Chair: A. Katrusiak (Poland)
      Co-chair: S. Werner (Germany)

    2. High Pressure Techniques and Applications
      Chair: A. Polian (France)
      Co-chair: E. Boldyreva (Russia)

    Home Page

    Other Microsymposia:

    1. Crystallography and Complementary Techniques
      Chair: K.D.M. Harris (UK)
      Co-chair: W. Kolodziejski (Poland)

    2. Neutron Diffraction
      Chair: A. Szytula (Poland)
      Co-chair: B. Lebech (Denmark)

    3. Structure and Properties of Inorganic Materials
      Chair: G. Bergerhoff (Germany)
      Co-chair: G. Svensson (Sweden)

    4. Prediction of Crystal Structure
      Chair: S.L. Price (UK)
      Co-chair: W.D.S. Motherwell (UK)

    5. Ferroic Materials
      Chair: J.M. Perez-Mato (Spain)
      Co-chair: A. Pietraszko (Poland)

    6. Perovskite Materials
      Chair: A.M. Glazer (UK)
      Co-chair: K. Roleder (Poland)

    7. Physical Properties and Structural Relationships
      Chair: U. Bismayer (Germany)
      Co-chair: K. Stadnicka (Poland)

    8. Diffuse Scattering
      Chair: F. Frey (Germany)
      Co-chair: K. Lukaszewicz (Poland)

    9. Crystallography and Structure of Interfaces
      Chair: M. Rühle (Germany)
      Co-chair: R.C. Pond (UK)

    10. Surface Crystallography
      Chair: W. Moritz (Germany)
      Co-chair: (tba)

    11. Nanocrystalline Materials
      Chair: G. Van Tendeloo (Belgium)
      Co-chair: J. Pielaszek (Poland)

    12. Structure of Amorphous Materials
      Chair: D. Cocayne (UK)
      Co-chair: M. Gautier-Soyer (France)

    Home Page

    Wojciech Nitek :