
All participants of ECM 20 must register. The registration can be done by filling in the electronic registration form. There is also either an MS Word 97 version or PostScript version of the registration form, which should be completed and mailed or faxed to the address shown below. In case of no Internet access, the registration form enclosed in the booklet of ECM 20 Second Annoucement and Call for Papers should be completed and mailed or faxed to:
The Secretary of ECM 20
Dr hab. Wieslaw Lasocha
Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University,
ul. Ingardena 3, 30-060 Kraków, Poland
Fax: 48-12 634 05 15

Registration fees for ECM 20

Full participant 330 EUR (before May 1, 2001)
ECA individual member 310 EUR (before May 1, 2001)
Student package 310 EUR (before April 15, 2001)
Late registration and/or late abstract submission 410 EUR (after May 1, 2001)
Accompanying person 100 EUR
Breakfast 3 EUR
Lunch 7 EUR

Full registration fees and ECA individual member fees cover: conference materials, participation in the scientific programme, evening programmes, the conference banquet and coffee break refreshments.

Breakfasts and lunches will be served at the University Canteen within the conference area.

Student package additionally includes meals (6 breakfasts/5 lunches) and dormitories (6 nights). Students registering after April 15, 2001 are not eligible for student package and will be charged full registration fees.

Accompanying person fees include the evening programmes, the conference banquet and Kraków - City sightseeing (a walking tour).

Bursary. Please remember that only one type of financial support can be available for one person.



Participants applying for a fellowship should send a bursary application to the ECM 20 organisers before filling in the registration form. The bursary application should be sent by March 15, 2001 either by e-mail: or by regular mail to:
dr hab. Wiesław Łasocha
for ECM 20 Bursary Committee
Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University,
ul. Ingardena 3,
30-060 Kraków,

In any case, whether supported or not by ECM 20, the Chairman will send an answer before April 15, 2001. Therefore, applicants should wait for the answer before sending their final registration form, i.e. between April 15 and May 1, 2001.


Cancellation policy

Cancellations of registration should be notified to the ECM 20 Secretary by writing a signed letter or by fax followed by a regular mail letter.
Cancellations notified:before June 1, 2001 will be 80 % reimbursed,
before July 20, 2001 will be 50 % reimbursed
After July 20, 2001 there will be no refunding of the registration fee.


Payment of registration fees

by cheque payable to Jagiellonian University BOIN - ECM 20
ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
by bank transfer to Jagiellonian University BOIN - ECM 20
ul. Gołębia 24, 31-007 Kraków, Poland
bank: BPH IV O/Kraków
Account number:10601389-330000157610 (please indicate: ECM 20)
by Credit Card (American Express, Visa, EuroCard, MasterCard) and filling in the form attached to the booklet of Second Announcement and Call for Papers.

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