1. Social Programme
  2. Accompanying Persons Tours

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Social Programme

Saturday, August 25, 2001

The ECM 20 Opening Ceremony will take place in the Kraków Philharmonic Hall on Saturday, 25 August, at 6:00 p.m. It will begin with an introduction and short welcome speeches followed by the presentation of the European Crystallography Association Prize for 2001, and the lecture by the ECA prize winner. Historical trams, specially hired for this occasion, will transport the participants from the Philharmonic Hall to the WISŁA Sports Hall where the welcome reception will begin at 8:15 p.m. Wine, soft drinks and buffet will be served and the reception will feature a performance of SŁOWIANKI folk ensemble.

Sunday, August 26, 2001

On Sunday evening, 26 August, all participants are invited to an organ concert in Mariacki Church at Main Market Square, which is situated within walking distance from the conference centre. The concert will begin at 8:00 p.m. and will last about one hour. In Mariacki Church (St Mary's Church), built in the 14th c., there is a famous triptych altar carved in lime-tree wood by Wit Stwosz (Veit Stoss). The altar will be open during the concert.

Monday, August 27, 2001

On Monday evening, 27 August, all participants are invited to an out-door get-together at Pasternik. It is a green area outside the City, which consists of meadows surrounded by a nice coppice. The area belongs to Kraków Garrison of Polish Army, which will help us to entertain our guests with Polish style food and refreshments. The get-together will start at 7:00 p.m. Bus transport will be provided for all participants from the conference centre.

Tuesday, August 28, 2001

On Tuesday evening, 28 August 2001, all young participants will have a chance to meet at Rotunda Students' Centre and to learn Polish folk dancing. The get-together will start at 8:00 p.m.

Wednesday, August 29, 2001

Wednesday, 29 August 2001, is the excursion day of ECM 20. A selection of four tours (A, B, C, D) proposed for the participants by ORBIS TRAVEL, are described below. Departure hours, duration and price per person are given in parentheses. Each excursion requires at least 10 persons. The price includes transportation, entrance fees and the service of an English-speaking guide. Lunch packets will be provided. Participants should remember that Wednesday evening is reserved for the banquet in Niepołomice Royal Castle.

A. City sightseeing tour by coach (9:00 a.m., 4 hours, 18 EUR)
Visit to Wawel Hill (the Royal Castle and the Cathedral from 12th - 17th c.), Royal Route, the Barbican and town walls (fragments of well preserved medieval fortifications), Kazimierz - former Jewish District with old synagogue (15th c.) and cemetery (16th c.), etc.

B. Wieliczka Salt Mine (9:00 a.m., 5 hours, 26 EUR)
Visit to one of the oldest mines in Europe. The salt mine is on the UNESCO World Heritage list among 12 priceless world monuments. Salt has been mined here since 13th c. The oldest part open to visitors consists of 5 km long route through galleries, chambers and chapels on three mining levels.

C. Trail of Eagles' Nests - Częstochowa (8:00 a.m., 8 hours, 55 EUR)
The Eagles' Nests form a chain of fortified castles built in Middle Ages on sides and tops of Jurassic rocks. The last link of the chain is Jasna Góra (Mons Clara) with its 13th c. Pauline Fathers' monastery, which treasures the famous Black Madonna Icon (14th c.).

D. Zakopane - the Tatra Mountains (8:00 a.m., 8 hours, 29 EUR)
Zakopane is a mountain tourism and winter sports centre situated under the highest Polish mountain-ridge of alpine character. In the town antique structures of regional wooden architecture will be visited. Walks along scenic valleys and a visit to Gubałówka Hill by funicular railway will allow participants to enjoy a panoramic view of the Tatras.

Banquet in Niepołomice Royal Castle (included in conference fee of ECM 20)
The town of Niepołomice is located at the edge of Niepołomice Forest, which, in its wilderness, has a reservation for aurochs. In the past, Niepołomice was a place of residence of the royal court during great hunts. The Royal palace with a courtyard modelled after that of Wawel and the Gothic church are from 14th c.

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Accompanying Persons Tours

Dunajec River Gorge excursion on Monday, 27 August, will include a raft trip down the Dunajec River along the Pieniny Mountains Gorge. Departure at 8:00 a.m., duration 8 hours, 39 EUR, minimum 10 persons required. The deep Dunajec Valley with steep rocky walls is very picturesque and one of the most beautiful river gorges in Europe.

City sightseeing walking tour to the Kraków Old Town (included in the registration fee for all accompanying persons) will take place on Monday, 28 August (departure from the conference centre at 9:00 a.m., duration 4 hours). The tour will also include visits to Czartoryski Museum and Jagiellonian University Museum in Collegium Maius - the oldest preserved part of the University.
The history of the Town goes back to the days before the formation of the Polish State. It has been an important administrative centre and the seat of bishopric since the tenth century. From the 13th to the beginning of the 17th c. Kraków (Cracow) was the capital and the residence of the kings of Poland. Now it is regarded as the country's cultural and scientific capital, and one of most important centres of learning and the arts in central Europe. The Old Town, surrounded by a park (Planty) has preserved its thirteenth-century urban design and figures on the first UNESCO list of the World Cultural Heritage.

Wieliczka Salt Mine (departure at 9:00 a.m., duration 5 hours, 26 EUR, minimum 10 persons required). Visit to antique salt mine in a small town Wieliczka 13 km from Kraków. The salt mine is on the UNESCO World Heritage list among 12 priceless world monuments. Salt has been mined here since 13th c. Open to visitors is the oldest part of the salt mine consisting of 5 km long route through galleries, chambers and chapels on three mining levels. In the Museum of Wieliczka Salt Mine the history of salt mining is shown.

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Wojciech Nitek : nitek@chemia.uj.edu.pl